Page 101’s💔Parody Single / 🔺Trinity🌎World📰News📡Blog / By Flurrei¥ 🔺CH-5 Wha† N🌎w? 🎶Parody Proceeding🎶Page 101🎶 🔺Chapter 5=MUSIC🌎 🎶Click here 4 Chapter 5's Latest music now🎶 🔺Chapter 5: Wha† N🌎w? Enjoy Your Odyssey❤Flurreiy 🔺Chapter 5: What N🌎w? Flurreiy’Ation has just released its amazing new“Go To Hell Trans-Ale🤍Won’t Mourn Ya” Page 101’s Parody Single!Click over for FREE to watch the newest Parody video ofEagles’ “Hotel California”as Chapter 5 continues now. Go directly to Page 101's🤍Parody Single by clicking here now!!! PrevPreviousForeshadowing🖤101 NextPage 101’s💙AudioNext