Wha† Is Flurreiy?
Here, Inside Of Flurreiyal🔺🌎

What Is †he Written📄Page?

🙉🔺 Flurreiyal 🌎🙉
Back Of Page🖼Variants

"Back Of Page" Is Kind Of Misleading
These Are Actually Variants
Foreshadowing The Upcoming Page/Pages…
What Are Mind🤯Blowers?

What Are Epilogés?

The “Epilogés” Pages of Flurreiyal Trinity World is where you’ll be able to find all AVAILABLE options for that entire chapter in one unbroken video.
These may include choices such as:
Written Word Only, Variants Only, Audio, with OR without intros and exits, as well as the most popular
“Flurreiy For Dummies” Mind Blowers.
Begin With The Complete Chapter 1:
Why Join Flurrei¥'ņi🌎Ñ?

Already a Flurreiyan???
Clara'§ Provoking Diar¥📖?

Clara'§ Provoking Diary Is Exclusive To🔺🌎'S
O-😍😋"YOU"😉🤩-O 🎯CÅN 📢CÅLL🎯I†

Here ņ FLURREIY.com JD has created a vision of his very own, AGAINST ÅLL obstacles, in order to bring you not only into the realms of Flurrei¥, BUT also, he has agreed to allow “ÅLL Flurrei¥Åñ§” a §NEAK PEAK behind the scenes as F.†.W. continues to release content “DÅ1L¥”. On this page will be one of the best places to become interactive with J💔D as most of his CURRENT thoughts about the process as the most extreme AUDIO E=BOOK SERIES on earth unfolds, while also bringing you into his HOME life.
“when what you love doing turns into a job, it’s OÑL¥ because something is annoying you”
Å.K.Å. “F.facebook”
😂†o read up on j8D NOW🤣
🔺†RINI†Y's NFTs🌎
Here at Flurreiyal Trinity World we are ❌†ree+ME=ly proud of all of our amazing variants which is exactly why F.T.W. has decided to give Flurreiyans the ability to own a copy of each “Back of Page” of their very own in the form of NFTs.
As the story progresses Trinity will be releasing “RARE” collections for you to purchase!!!


During Chapter 4 Flurreiyal Trinity World was struck with the music bug like lightning, so we decided to begin creating Parody Songs to go along beside our Written Pages. They are stand alone songs, so with that in mind we’ve created individual pages for each song’s Music Videos.
Click the MusicGuitar Pick below to go to our very first Parody song…